The customer magazine as an e-magazine: from informative to interactive content format

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Corporate publishing products as pure information media are slowly but surely becoming obsolete in the world of marketing. So it's time for the customer magazine 4.0: thanks to digitalisation, the e-magazine is becoming an interactive experience with conversion potential.

What makes good content out? This question is easy to answer. Good content is content that is read with pleasure by the respective target group. In addition to the quality of the content and its relevance, the preparation and format are decisive for success.


Why you should rely on digital magazines


One of the classic formats in corporate communication has always been the Customer magazine. With this B2B marketing-Tool of the Corporate Publishing customers, interested parties and the company's own staff can be comprehensively informed.

Digital customer magazines as PDF or so-called e-magazines transform the format into the digital age, can be produced cheaply and at the same time add a strong entertainment value to the information function.


Interactive magazines convince your customers - B2IMPACT Agency
Take a look at our interactive magazine and get inspired!


Additional possibilities such as the preparation of content create interactive experiences that can be directly tailored to the specific usage habits of the readers. What are the advantages? Readers are no longer just informed, but can also develop an emotional bond with the corporate brand by experiencing and interacting with the customer magazine as a PDF.


What interaction possibilities are there with a customer magazine as a PDF?


Where print magazines and PDF documents reach their limits, online formats show their strengths. Pure text-image contributions are replaced - where it makes sense - by multimedia content. Whether embedded video, animations, music or clickable infographics: The options for presenting relevant content in an attractive way are manifold.

Customer magazines are traditionally very one-sided communication channels. They inform customers or potential interested parties about activities and current topics. An exchange only takes place in one direction. Online magazines change this.


Whether surveys, links to product catalogues or shops, comment functions or contact forms: Readers can now contact the company directly - and vice versa. Interfaces connect online marketing and the magazine. Strategically placed call-to-actions turn the pure information medium into an additional conversion tool.


Conclusion: It pays to have a digital customer magazine created


Modern e-magazines and the customer magazine as PDF open up a whole new point of contact for companies and brands with their customers and prospects. Above all, their easy accessibility and interaction options make them an attractive content format and channel for online marketing.

You want to create experiences with digital tools? We would be happy to help you with that. Our agency supports you in the creation and optimisation of easy-to-understand texts, including professional Storytelling.

Written by

Picture of Daniela Purer
Daniela Purer
Head of Corporate Publishing - Daniela is a passionate journalist and expert in corporate publishing. She accompanies the process from brainstorming and conception to the finished product. Her texts are convincing according to all the rules of storytelling.
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