A landing page in B2B helps you attract prospects. It generally goes hand in hand with marketing campaigns. The main goal is, Approach prospects and convert them into leadsto be able to contact them. Short and to the point, your offer should thus provide tasty incentives.
What is a landing page
The landing page is a small website of its own that attracts prospective customers with good content and an exciting offer. And in such a way that they are happy to leave their contact details. She convincingly presents an offer.
This can be the online page you land on after clicking on a Google ad or LinkedIn ad. It can hide behind banners or follow the link in a newsletter.
You collect contacts by means of Enquiry form or a download offer. For example, an e-book, white paper or podcast. There are hardly any limits to creativity here.
Why landing pages in B2B?
Your landing page professionals
Take advantage of our many years of experience in Content marketingwhich also includes the creation of successful landing pages. We will build you a professional landing page to suit your business field.
- Agreement and joint definition of goals
- Reconciliation of the drafts with recommendations
- Plus possible SEO optimisation for better visibility
- Website construction and hosting, incl. DSGVO compliance
- Indexing and linking with campaign
- If desired: optimisation of existing landing pages
The landing page and its advantages
The landing page captures prospects from different channels. Whether in newsletters, behind banners, following on Social media Campaigns or behind a Google Ads campaign - it directs prospects to your offer. Generate leads with your landing page!
- Your B2B landing page complements existing websites
- Targeting makes campaigns more successful
- Lead prospects to your offer
- Collect data for the further purchase process
- Play the potential new customers to your sales department
Have landing page created
Structure and contents
Our agency team offers you two options for working with landing pages in the B2B sector:
On the one hand we evaluate existing landing pages and offer you recommendations for optimisation. You can implement these recommendations yourself or we can do it for you. Our Graphic provides images that attract the eye. By means of SEO we can perfect landing page optimisation as you reach more prospects in Google.
Or we create your landing page from scratch. Together we discuss what you want to achieve and where the site should be used. Ideally it will be based on a B2B Performance Campaign coordinated. You receive drafts for the landing page from us, then the implementation. In terms of content, we can provide you with texts and graphics that will get interested parties to use your offer.