The B2B content check as spring cleaning for the web presence

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Despite a sophisticated content marketing strategy, you don't seem to be achieving your marketing goals? Maybe it's the content on your website. A professional inventory - a so-called content check - could help.

When spring slowly knocks on the door, it's usually time for a proper spring clean. You take a close look at clothes, kitchen utensils, electronic gadgets or other odds and ends, decide whether to keep this or that, and if not, then the item in question is cleaned out without compromise.

Spring cleaning is therefore a fixed part of everyday annual planning and what applies to the home applies even more to websites! Our experts from B2IMPACT therefore a so-called Content audit through. For B2B companies in particular, continuous content checks can be a meaningful way of evaluating the progress of a content marketing campaign.


What is a B2B Content Check?

Put simply, a content analysis is a regular inventory of the content on the various channels for the purpose of quality assurance. The existing content is scrutinised and subjected to a systematic check. There are:

  • a quantitative component (how much?) and
  • a qualitative component (how good is it?).

Special attention is given to website texts, blog articles or B2B Social Media contributions. Based on the data collected in this way, the content is checked in the next step with regard to its performance, in order to uncover hidden potential or weaknesses and gaps in the best case.

The final goal should be to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the content marketing strategy as well as the workflows in content development and subsequently to adapt and optimise the content plan to the current marketing goals.


How good is your magazine? Quick Magazine Check

Do you want to know whether your magazine is performing well? Then our free magazine check in the best possible way. We look at one of your company magazines or folders and give you feedback on structure, design, content and imagery.


Why do I need a content check in B2B?

Since websites are usually long-term projects, a regular "inventory" of the content is essential. Regular audits - we recommend a half-yearly or quarterly rhythm - provide a well-founded overview of whether the content is still up-to-date, does not contain outdated information and is performing in line with one's own content strategy. Useless or unnecessary texts can be easily adapted or removed in order to save resources. Concrete measurement values ensure transparency.

If you are planning a general change in your content marketing strategy, for example to reach new target groups, you should definitely carry out a content analysis first.

More reasons for a content check:

  1. Relaunch of the website
  2. Replacement of a key position in the company
  3. Change of ownership of the domain


How is a content check for B2B websites carried out?

Now it's down to the nitty-gritty: The first step is to think about Targets and metrics of the audit. This step is sometimes the most important in the whole process. Only those who define clearly formulated goals can develop an action plan based on the results in the final step of the content check. Here are some examples of the goals of the analysis:

  • Improve SEO results
  • Increase target group interaction
  • Improve conversion rate
  • Change brand image
  • Identify duplicates
  • Find gaps
  • Capture inferior content
  • Show positive examples

The second step involves the quantitative analysisThis is the systematic collection of all data and content that you use in your online presence - unfortunately a time-consuming process, but also indispensable for a successful content check. Qualitative analysis is subsequently about evaluating content based on criteria that are not completely objective or purely factual. The use of different analysis schemes helps to keep the results at least comparable:

  • ARA analysis (Current? Relevant? Appropriate?)
  • ROT analysis (Redundant? Out of Date? Trivial?)

Step three of the content check now includes the Derive measures from the results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis. Now it becomes clear whether the formulated goals and metrics were defined clearly enough in the first step of the analysis. On the basis of the collected data, each individual content is now evaluated with regard to the goals. The system of evaluation can vary according to preference:

  • Classify into "keep", "update" or "delete" statuses
  • A traffic light system: green, yellow or red
  • A scale of values according to the school grading system

As you can see, the data must be interlinked for interpretation. Because maybe you have high access to certain content, but low Dwell time and a high bounce rate. In this case, you need to make your content more attractive. If all factors are positive, you should provide more similar content in the future. This will attract even more readers and keep them on your site.

Of course, such a content check seems quite overwhelming and time-consuming at first. That's why we offer you a free content check of your website. Together we will optimise your content, strengthen your brand value and generate even more reach for you and thus potential new customers.

Written by

Picture of Daniela Harmer
Daniela Harmer
Head of Corporate Publishing - Daniela is a passionate journalist and expert in corporate publishing. She accompanies the process from brainstorming and conception to the finished product. Her texts are convincing according to all the rules of storytelling.
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