Corporate Publishing Best Practice: Experts for Sustainability and Climate Protection

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When it comes to climate protection and sustainability, we are very happy to be at the forefront. Convince yourself of our expertise in these areas with the corporate publishing best practice example of our long-standing client Klima- und Energiefonds.

Climate protection and sustainability are more important today than ever before. Most companies have long since jumped on the bandwagon and publish their own visionary sustainability programme in various media and on a wide variety of platforms. When it comes to climate protection and sustainability, the champagne corks pop in our house. After all, there is hardly a topic we prefer to work on. A corporate publishing best practice is our long-standing client Climate and Energy Fund.

Read here why you should also rely on print media when it comes to sustainability and climate protection: Do you rely on print media?. As an environmentally friendly content agency, we naturally rely on Austrian printers ourselves, who meet all the requirements of environmentally friendly production on demand, including on sustainable paper, and have been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel.

The Climate and Energy Fund supports the ambitious goal of climate neutrality by 2040 with its programmes and initiatives. It develops trend-setting strategies, concepts and programmes in the areas of energy and mobility transition, climate change and awareness raising. For its printed materials, the Climate and Energy Fund relies on the corporate publishing experts at B2IMPACT. Why? That explains Katja Hoyer, Press Officer of the Climate and Energy Fund: "At B2IMPACT, journalistic expertise and creativity come together. Two things that result in appealing and informative products that are a pleasure to read."

Diverse range of services in corporate publishing: from visual and content relaunches to completely new concepts

The overarching task was to redefine the content of the existing products, to visually relaunch the design and to jointly develop new products. One of the largest print projects that we were allowed to realise with the Climate and Energy Fund within the framework of this objective is the annual report. This is the company's almost 60-page activity report. To make it reader-friendly, we came up with a very special concept: on the first 20 pages, interested readers will find a magazine section that deals with current topics in the best journalistic manner within exciting stories and interviews. The remaining pages are filled with facts and figures, highlights of the year and best practice examples of successful Climate and Energy Fund projects.

The next corporate publishing product that we realised together with the client is structured in a similar way: the brochure for the "KLAR!" project. The brochure impresses with a fresh and youthful layout and is all about adapting to the already visible and noticeable consequences of climate change.

With the brochure "Energy Transition 2050", the Climate and Energy Fund was strongly concerned with deepening the knowledge of various stakeholders on the topic of climate change and creating awareness in order to increase the acceptance of climate protection measures. Two other corporate publishing best practices for sustainability worth mentioning are the magazine "Change" on the one hand and the brochure series "ACRP in Essence" on the other. The former brings climate and energy model government managers in front of the curtain and the latter contains reports on climate impact research, each time with a different focus topic such as forestry or agriculture.

When it comes to climate protection, climate change and sustainability, you too can rely on the corporate publishing experts at B2IMPACT. We look forward to a reason to pop the champagne corks!

Find out more about our corporate publishing services from B2IMPACT here: Corporate Publishing

Written by

Picture of Daniela Harmer
Daniela Harmer
Head of Corporate Publishing - Daniela is a passionate journalist and expert in corporate publishing. She accompanies the process from brainstorming and conception to the finished product. Her texts are convincing according to all the rules of storytelling.
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