Investing in the independence of your own marketing: a strategic decision for sustainable success

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B2B marketing managers are faced with the challenge of organising their marketing activities more efficiently and flexibly while reducing their dependence on external service providers. 

The solution? Setting up an independent marketing organisation. Read here how you can optimise your marketing strategy, reduce costs and gain valuable insights into customer behaviour through targeted investments in internal resources and technologies in order to achieve sustainable growth.


The most important facts in brief


  • Independent B2B marketing: How you can control your own strategies with your own teams and technologies. 
  • Advantages: Savings, flexibility, fast reactions and full data control. 
  • Strategic tools: Necessary investments in CRM, marketing automation and more. 
  • Own content: Use of owned media and corporate publishing for direct customer communication. 
  • Mastering challenges: Solutions for setting up an internal marketing structure. 
  • Agency support: When and how an agency can provide targeted help to fill internal gaps. 
  • Future-proof: Why independence in marketing is an advantage in the long term. 


What does independence mean in marketing?


Independence in B2B marketing means that companies can manage their marketing strategies and measures independently and effectively without having to rely on external partners or platforms.  

This includes the establishment of specialised internal teams, the development of specific skills and the implementation of customised technologies and tools. The aim is to achieve sustainable independence in the implementation of marketing strategies and at the same time to make targeted use of external support when this makes strategic sense. 


Advantages of independence in marketing


  1. Cost efficiencyBy building up internal resources, B2B companies can save costs in the long term that would otherwise be incurred for external service providers. One-off investments in employee training and technology often amortise faster than ongoing external costs. 
  2. Flexibility and responsiveness: In-house marketing capacities enable companies to react more agilely and quickly to market changes or specific customer requirements. Independence from external service providers shortens response times and enables strategic adjustments to be made quickly in a dynamic market environment. 
  3. Data sovereignty and security: Companies retain complete control over their data, which is particularly important in times of stricter data protection requirements and complex compliance regulations. An internal marketing strategy ensures that all data remains secure within the company, minimising the risk of data breaches and ensuring compliance with legal regulations. 
  4. Deeper customer knowledge: By having direct control over all marketing data, companies can gain deeper insights into the behaviour and needs of their B2B customers. These insights are particularly valuable for developing personalised account-based marketing strategies that are tailored to the specific needs of individual target customers.


Strategic investments in internal marketing capacities


In order to achieve independence in marketing, companies should make targeted investments in certain areas: 

  • Marketing technology stack: Investments in technologies such as CRM systems, marketing automation tools, account-based marketing software, content management systems (CMS) and analytics tools are essential. These technologies make it possible to plan, execute and measure marketing activities efficiently without having to rely on external software solutions. 
  • Owned media and corporate publishing: A central aspect of independence is the focus on Owned media and corporate publishing. By creating your own content such as Blog postse-books, podcasts and Videos companies can communicate their brand messages directly to their target groups. This is not only cost-efficient, but also strengthens brand authority and promotes long-term customer loyalty through authentic and relevant content. 
  • Training and further education: The continuous development of internal competences is crucial. Organisations should invest in upskilling their employees to ensure they understand and can apply the latest marketing strategies and technologies. This can be done through internal training, external seminars or specialised online courses. 


Challenges and solutions


Setting up an independent marketing department brings challenges: 

  • Resource expenditure: The development of internal structures requires initial investment in employees, training and technology. Companies must be prepared to invest time and money in order to reap the benefits in the long term. 
  • Complexity of technology integration: The introduction of new technologies and their integration into existing systems can be complex. Companies should plan carefully and, if necessary, bring in external experts to ensure smooth integration and optimise the use of the systems. 
  • Change management: The transition to an internal marketing organisation can be met with resistance. It is important to utilise change management strategies to motivate employees and make the transition successful. This is particularly important in the B2B sector, where internal structures are often more complex and resistance can be greater.


The role of a competent agency as a strategic addition


Even if independence in marketing is an important strategic goal, working with an experienced agency can still provide valuable support. Especially in areas where internal expertise or resources are lacking, an agency can act as a valuable partner on the path to independence.

  • Strategic consulting and know-how transfer: An agency can not only act as a consultant, but also transfer valuable knowledge by training internal teams and preparing them for the latest marketing trends. This ensures that the internal team is familiar with the best practices and can apply them. 
  • Outsourcing with scarce resources: The outsourcing of Content marketing and online marketing can be useful when internal resources are limited. An agency can fill these gaps and deliver high-quality marketing material at the same time. Companies benefit from the efficiency and expertise of the agency, while they can use the acquired know-how to handle similar tasks internally in the future. 
  • Support for special projects: For specialised campaigns or projects that go beyond regular internal capacities, agencies offer targeted support. This enables companies to react flexibly to market requirements without entering into long-term commitments. 
  • Evaluation and optimisation: External agencies can evaluate existing processes and make targeted suggestions for improvement, which leads to more efficient utilisation of internal resources. 


Long-term perspective and future outlook


Investing in the independence of your own marketing is a strategic decision that ensures long-term success. Companies that strengthen their own marketing capacities are better positioned to react flexibly to market changes, drive innovation and achieve sustainable growth. 

A clear strategy, the right investments and targeted support from a competent agency enable companies to fully utilise the advantages of independent marketing and successfully stand out from the competition. 


Your next step towards marketing independence


If you are thinking about how you can further expand your marketing independence and at the same time benefit from the expertise of an experienced agency, we are here for you. Get in touch with us for a no-obligation consultation - our experts are ready to support you on your journey and develop the best strategy for your company. 

Written by

Picture of Barbara Plöchl
Barbara Plöchl
Project management for SEO and content marketing - Barbara is an expert in marketing conception, SEO, content creation and online marketing. She accompanies projects from the idea to the finished campaign and formulates accurate messages.
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