PHARMIG info: A chronicle of modernisation in the pharmaceutical industry

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Since its foundation in 1954, PHARMIG has been dedicated to promoting people's health through the optimal use of medicines. This cannot be done without communication. The magazine "PHARMIG info" has been making an important contribution to this for many years. Read here how a partnership with B2IMPACT has helped to keep the magazine up-to-date.

The PHARMIG is the largest voluntary interest group of the pharmaceutical industry in Austria and was founded in 1954. The goal then as now: to ensure the best possible security of supply with medicinal products in the health care system and to secure social and medical progress through quality and innovation.

It was already clear at the time that this would require a comprehensive repertoire of marketing tools to communicate the association's messages. So it was decided to launch a kind of newsletter for the member companies in May 1966. This resulted in the magazine "PHARMIG info" in November 1977.

Reorientation and modernisation at PHARMIG

PHARMIG info thus looks back on a decades-long tradition and has reinvented itself time and again during this time. This was also the case in 2012, when the association became aware of WEKA Industrie Medien and its content marketing agency B2IMPACT. The agency's brief was to focus the magazine even more strongly. Because the balancing act between an association medium and a magazine for pharmaceutical and health topics is not easy.

In addition, PHARMIG serves a very broad target group, which is also a challenge. Last but not least, the pharmaceutical magazine is also seen as a kind of flagship and should therefore also reflect topicality, modernity as well as a certain degree of innovation.

Especially in the pharmaceutical industry, there are strict legal requirements that must also be taken into account in the development of a medium. We have been speaking the language of this industry and of the medical experts for many years and, above all, we know the strict rules of the game.

Therefore, we were able to implement the wishes of the Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry to the fullest satisfaction, as Peter Richter, Head of Communications & PR at PHARMIG confirms:

"The colleagues at B2IMPACT know their media craft. We have already gone through many stages of development with our publication, which were always accompanied creatively and prudently by the agency".

Peter Richter, Head of Communications & PR at PHARMIG (PHOTO: zVg., B2IMPACT)

Fresh look and focused content for the PHARMIG magazine

In 2017, we were able to demonstrate our expertise once again when the association approached us with a request for a comprehensive redesign of the magazine. This time, the layout of the magazine was to be modernised from the ground up.

By reducing the text load, PHARMIG info now radiates a certain lightness, which on the one hand is good for the appearance and on the other hand is also expressed in terms of content by reducing it to the essentials.

"I can certainly recommend working with B2IMPACT," Richter continues. "It is active, lively and uncomplicated. We appreciate the openness and hands-on mentality with which they work together on challenges and the palpable creativity with which the agency approaches problems."

Who is PHARMIG - Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry?

PHARMIG is the independent representative body of the pharmaceutical industry in Austria. It has around 120 companies with approximately 18,000 employees as members. These companies research, develop and market medicinal products for high-quality health care. In its representative function, PHARMIG advocates quality in health care, fair framework conditions for the industry and the strengthening of Austria as a pharmaceutical and research location. Its main goal is to improve the health of Austrians through effective use of medicines.

B2IMPACT: Your reliable partner for marketing in the pharmaceutical industry

The redesign of PHARMIG info shows how B2IMPACT helps pharmaceutical companies to communicate their messages effectively and in a contemporary way. In an industry with constant innovations and strict requirements, we are your reliable partner. Our expertise in the B2B Pharma Marketing, combined with our hands-on mentality and creativity, makes us the ideal companion for your marketing challenges. As Peter Richter from PHARMIG confirms, a cooperation with B2IMPACT stands for activity, liveliness and solution orientation.

You are interested in our Pharma Marketing Services? We develop customised content marketing campaigns for you and play them out across various communication channels.

Written by

Picture of Daniela Harmer
Daniela Harmer
Head of Corporate Publishing - Daniela is a passionate journalist and expert in corporate publishing. She accompanies the process from brainstorming and conception to the finished product. Her texts are convincing according to all the rules of storytelling.
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