Better good content production and no efficiency measurement than the other way around. A study shows how companies best prioritise their advertising spend.
We hope not, but if your advertising budget is tight, you should definitely put it into content production. Not in marketing, not in optimising the roll-out channels, but in professional content production. Content production. Because despite all the storytelling myths, it is not enough to tell a story, but because only a really well-told story will be heard. And we have always seen it that way, by the way. Now delivers a studyfor which 250 medium-sized and large companies in the DACH region were studied, also provides the empirical underpinnings.
The result in a nutshell: Professional Content production is the single most powerful measure companies can take to improve their visibility to customers and the effectiveness of their content management. Especially when budgets are tight, it should therefore be the absolute focus. On the other hand, companies should only think about measures for measuring efficiency and organisational fine-tuning when the professionalism of content production is assured. Before then, these measures are wasted money.
When is content professional?
There are, of course, a few potential misunderstandings that need to be cleared up at this point: professional content does not mean that your company name appears as often as possible. Nor does it mean that all foreign words are spelled correctly - we assume that. Nor does it mean that the picture of the boss is particularly striking, although that doesn't necessarily do any harm. Professional means that your story is told as an independent author would.
He would put the tension in the foreground. He would do without anything that could bore the reader. (Yes, the exact English job title of the chairman of the board, two lines long, is one of them). And he would remain honest where facts are concerned. Still a somewhat alienating thought for some advertisers.
But the study clearly shows that advertisers increase the effectiveness of their content management most when they are guided by the same principles that are benchmarks of quality media: relevant content, a narrative perspective that is audience-oriented, originality, comprehensibility and yes, that too, diversity of opinion.
Benefit beats data madness
We know this from the consumer world by now. In B2B marketing, on the other hand, things are still strangely brittle. Technical details of products, for example, are recited in epic detail, because the counterpart is a professional and will know what the benefits are. That may be so. Nevertheless, the same applies here: Advertisers are better off if they provide the customer with ideas on how to solve a problem that is currently bothering him. If they do, they will gratefully take note of your message. If they don't, the time between clicking and clicking away will be a few seconds at best.
Out of pure self-defence, by the way. Up to 10,000 advertising messages pelt the average US consumer per day. In Europe, it is perhaps somewhat less. But it remains clear: Nobody wants to, nobody can remember all these brands, their claims and slogans. Professionally prepared Content is one of the ways to stand out from this advertising tsunami.