Success Story Allergopharma: Video content in pharmaceutical marketing

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Do you speak technical jargon? We do! And we are happy to translate for you and your customers. Read here how we helped the company Allergopharma make boring explanatory videos go viral for their target group.

An allergy is unpleasant - no question about it. Even more unpleasant, however, are seemingly endless and boring explanatory videos about the symptoms and ways to alleviate them in cumbersome technical jargon.

Even doctors or healthcare professionals who deal with allergies in their day-to-day work find it difficult to concentrate on the content when it is presented in a dry format. This was also the experience of Allergopharma, a provider of so-called allergen immunotherapy (AIT) products from Germany, who wanted to generate additional leads among doctors with its explanatory videos on a new, clinically relevant topic regarding allergies.


Pharma marketing: videos put an end to dry content


Thanks to the specific expertise that has been built up over the years in our Published by WEKA Industrie Medien we are trained experts in presenting dry and complex content in an exciting and creative way. Fortunately, the numerous successes that our clients have already celebrated as a result made the rounds in the industry, and so Allergopharma ended up in the first Zoom meeting with us through recommendations from colleagues in Austria.

The task was quickly defined: To split a complex pharmaceutical topic into three explanatory videos that also had to have an entertainment factor. These videos were to appear in both German and English. In agile coordination with the customer, a concept was created for the sequence of videos with a recognition factor that immediately impressed.

The footage was recorded in our in-house TV studio with a green screen. Video editing, sound mixing, 2D and 3D animations as well as intro and outro animations were also included. On the Youtube channel from Allergopharma you will find the videos.


B2B Pharma Marketing

Especially in the pharmaceutical industry, there are strict legal requirements that must be observed when developing a pharmaceutical marketing strategy. We know what matters and define the campaign goals with you and then develop a customised pharmaceutical marketing concept.


Click figures for pharmaceutical video production: from 0 to 300


The campaign was launched at the beginning of April 2022 and the films were clicked more times than before after just a short time, as André Lohmeier, Manager Marketing Germany at Allergopharma, confirms: "No previous video production has had so many clicks in such a short time. From the planning and design to the result, we are very satisfied and the collaboration with the B2IMPACT team was a lot of fun for us". André Lohmeier was particularly impressed by the absolutely reliable scheduling.

Specifically, Allergopharma was able to record 300 more hits than similar projects within just a few months.


"And that's a lot for us in Germany. Thanks to the perfect realisation, the films are well received by our sales force and our colleagues enjoy working with them with their potential customers, the doctors," says André Lohmeier. Would he also recommend us to others? "Definitely, because B2IMPACT is a reliable partner and delivers high-quality results."


Brief insight into the company Allergopharma


Allergopharma has more than 50 years of experience in researching and treating allergies and is a leading provider of allergen immunotherapy (AIT). The company was founded in 1969 by Joachim Ganzer and the pharmaceutical company Hermal. Allergopharma has its own locations in the D-A-CH region, China, Spain and 3rd-party distributors in various countries such as Korea and Poland. The company currently has 340 to 350 employees.


Written by

Picture of Daniela Harmer
Daniela Harmer
Head of Corporate Publishing - Daniela is a passionate journalist and expert in corporate publishing. She accompanies the process from brainstorming and conception to the finished product. Her texts are convincing according to all the rules of storytelling.
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